20 Replies for Those Who Calls Themselves Ugly

20 Responses for Those Who Calls Themselves Ugly

Some people look attractive from the outside while others have inner beauty. However, gratitude depends on how they feel about themselves.

Our today’s topic is to deal with some negatively minded people, who call themselves ugly without thinking of their good qualities or the blessings they have. 

Will discuss 20 of the best phrases to help them forgive themselves and feel graceful.

Replies When Someone Calls Themselves Ugly | 20 Best Phrases to Show Encouragement

There can be several reasons why someone is calling themselves ugly.

Mostly, it is associated with some past experiences, self-doubts, or the reaction of comparing themselves with others.

You can encourage to them move towards self-love and positivity by reminding them of their unique qualities, strengths, and inner beauty.

Below are the 20 best responses to use when someone calls themselves ugly.

Short Responses

Short Responses When Someone Calls Themselves Ugly

1. From heart or look?

2. If you are ugly, who’s beautiful?

3. You’re not ugly, you’re just a limited-edition.

4. No, I think you’re a beautiful person in this world.

5. To me, ugliness is not in a look, but in the absence of compassion.

6. Please don’t let negative thoughts dim your light.

7. Calling yourself ugly means criticizing the creator. Did you?

8. It’s just your illusion. Focus on the opinions of those who truly respect you.

9. Man! Just go off negativity and celebrate your wonderful qualities.

10. I think looks don’t hold back, success is how you are remembered.

ALSO READ: 25 Comebacks When Someone Calls You Ugly

Long Responses

Long Responses When Calls Themselves Ugly

11. No, you’re so kind, funny, and smart. And I think these aren’t the qualities of an ugly person. Hope you get well soon!

12. True beauty is not just about physical appearance, it’s about having a positive mindset, a kind heart, and a beautiful soul inside.

13. Dear, don’t compare yourself with others; you’re not fake, you have a unique personality that is liked more in society.

14. I consider you my role model, but it’s very hurting for me to hear that you have this poor perception of yourself.

15. Please know that your physical appearance does not define your true beauty. Your wonderful qualities are what truly make you beautiful.

16. I’m here for you. Let’s talk about what’s going on. Sometimes, other factors can cloud our perception of ourselves.

17. I know you have been through many critics, and thus you’re feeling like that. But believe me, I always found an attractive person in you.

18. After spending about [time-spent] of my life, I can fearlessly say that you’re amazing.

19. Try to forgive yourself. You are worthy of love and respect, and a beautiful creation of god.

20. Your value isn’t determined by how you look. Your kindness, intelligence, and heart make you truly beautiful.

ALSO READ: 50 key phrases to disarm a narcissist

What to say when someone calls themselves ugly quotes

  1. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
  2. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” — Coco Chanel
  3. “To be successful you don’t need a beautiful face And heroic Body, What you need is a skillful mind and the ability to Perform.” — Rowan Atkinson

  4. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Gautama Buddha
  5. “Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you.” — Trent Shelton

Final Thoughts

When someone is calling themselves ugly, try to push them rather than dismissing their feelings.

Your profound words can help them realize their inherent worth, this will be an appropriate grant from your side.


How to help someone fighting with self-assessment?

Acknowledging their appearance is the best way to validate their feelings and offer your support.

This will help them easily navigate through these challenges.

What to say when a girl says she feels ugly?

When a girl says she is feeling ugly, she might be interested in getting sentiments about her personality.
You can Say:
1. No you’re perfect!
2. I think you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet.
3. You’re ok with this look.
4. If don’t have any problem why do you feel ugly?

What to say when someone calls themselves ugly over text?

Following phrases can be used when someone calls themselves ugly over text,

  • You’re not alone. I’m here for you.
  • You’re so much more than your appearance.
  • You’re beautiful inside and out.
  • You’re worthy of love and respect.
  • Remember, you’re loved just as you are.

Note: Usually, it is an uncommon practice that someone is calling himself ugly over text. Ask for clarification before responding.

Why does a guy call himself ugly?

Just like others, a boy also calls himself ugly due to low self-esteem, past experience of rejection or mental health issues.

Useful Links

  1. 35+ Cute Responses to “You look good”
  2. How to Respond When Someone Calls You Pretty?

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